Radio Interview Combo
Inclusions and Features
(BookTalk Socials and This Week in America)
- Complete basic publishing services
- Get a 15-25 minute audio and/or video interview with Ric Bratton on This Week in America.
- Ric is nationally recognized after 33 successful years on television and having worked with the likes of Larry King, Jay Leno, George Clooney, Katie Couric, and many others.
- This Week In America is on over 100 stations in the US, and growing.
- Get another 20-30 minutes of audio interview and be heard on the BookTalk Socials podcast.
- Second interview is done with a professional voice over talent.
- Recorded and edited with stingers, effects and background music.
- Distribution to SPOTIFY, APPLY Podcast, Google Podcast, Amazon Alexa Smart Speakers, Stitcher, TUNEIN, iHeartRadio and SONOS.
- Auto-share interviews to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr and Soundcloud.
- SocMed Management and Advertising (1 month) – with up to $50 ad budget
Random Pro Review
Inclusions and Features
- Guaranteed 6 random professional reviews for your book
- Well-crafted reviews from our Affiliated Reviewers on their Amazon, Barnes and Noble and GoodReads accounts.
Premium Website
Inclusions and Features
- Complete basic publishing services
- Custom author website
- 2 year hosting
- Domain name registration – 2 year
- Up to 10 pages
Bookstore Returns Program
Inclusions and Features
- Complete basic publishing services
- 3 years Book Returnability
- Ingram Catalog Listing
- SocMed Management and Advertising (1 month) – with up to $50 ad budget
Add-on Services
Inclusions and Features
- Illustration Services
- Basic
- Advanced
- Cover Design Upgrade
- US Copyright Registration
- Library of Congress Registration
- Editing
- Copyediting
- Developmental Editing (Content)
- Indexing
- Author supplied
- Stampa supplied
Talk to one of our Book Marketing Executives to know more about these services.
Our Book Marketing Executives will help you with your pre-production materials submissions to post-production services and marketing. You can check the status of the project, ask general questions, order books and more.