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Ray’s Dilemma
by Greg Grant (Author)
This book is about a young man who lost his parents at a young age. Difficulty in coping and fighting his own demons he found comfort in smoking, drinking, and drugs. With the undying love and support from his family, his uncle …

by William Girdwood (Author)
In the far distant future, after segregating into groups decided by race, religion, color, creed or nationality, mankind has dispersed throughout the spiral arms of the galaxy. The only remaining human’s left on Earth are the aboriginal peoples of Australia …

Your Life Can Be Better. Secret Stories of Hope Volume Three
by Murray Kibblewhite (Author)
Author, teacher and businessman Murray Kibblewhite has expressed in writing his observations of the people he has met throughout his life. As a spiritual person, he practises …

In the Beginning
by Daisy Graham (Author)
The sequel to In the Beginning tells of the changes to the earth as it begins to renew itself. It also tells of the people remaining on the earth who struggle to understand what is happening and learning to live in a new …

Your Life Can Be Better. Secret Stories of Hope Volume Two
by Murray Kibblewhite (Author)
Author, teacher and businessman Murray Kibblewhite has expressed in writing his observations of the people he has met throughout his life. As a spiritual person, he practises …

Kazungul: LIBRO 1 Lazos de sangre
by Marcus L. Lukusa (Author)
Me llamo Raymond. Hasta hace poco era un chico normal. Bueno, además del hecho de que crecí usando un brazalete de cobre y un collar de malaquita. Sin embargo, cuando me mudé a Johannesburgo …
Puberty Hitting One Boy Lucky: A Case Study
No kid is dull. Publishing a book at 12 years old proves every kid is a genius at something. How do you find the kids with a high potential for excellence? How do you boost the chance that they will reach that potential? To a lot of parents, they are not interested...
A Tale of Villains and Conflicts: Why We Love the Dark Side
It is much like asking why evil itself intrigues us, and the field of psychology has come up with answers. Hearing Meghan Markle drop the line, ‘They really seem to want a narrative of a hero and a villain’ while watching the recent controversial interview she did...
No Such Thing as A Late Bloomer in Writing
“Not all flowers bloom in April, darling. Relax and take your time.” ~K.Tolnoe I know what many of you, writers, might be thinking: It’s hard enough to find time to write creatively, but now I need to also chase that dream and try to publish my works? My short...
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